Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Hey Mama!!

Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear mo-ther, happy birthday to you:

For those of you who don't know, this is my mom. For those of you that do, you know this face is exactly my mom. Here she is on the 4th of July in all her sassy glory. Who knows what she was saying, but she has the funniest way of being, well, her.

Tonight was her birthday and we went out for dinner and some of the best roast beef in the world (2nd only to my mother-in-law's). It was a very good time and while I thought I forgot my camera, it was actually in my purse, so I just forced everyone to take pictures just before they left.

The cute birthday girl (don't worry Ash, she has brown and black on ONLY temporarily):

I thought maybe if I posted this, I'd stop trying to look so goofy in pictures (I look pretty deranged, but my mom looks darn cute):

And everyone just say it with me "AWWWW":

So mom, Happy Birthday. I love you for so many reasons, most of all just because you're you...and you make me laugh pretty hard. Thanks for all of the love you've given me and my boys...There's no one like you.

And just a few quick other things, I just have to show everyone this, because I've been meaning to since Monday and I want to before I forget:

It's a Major Award!!!!

I'm very proud of Fletchy-doodle. He got all of his race cars on his track at school (for good behavior) and got to pick a prize, you would swear that plane was made of pure gold:)

and one last thing, I just love this picture from today when the boys were playing so well together and made my heart all quivery:

This also makes my heart all quivery, he really is growing up and he is just so stinkin' cute (umm, yeah, he gets that from his mom):


Jenny Lochinski said...

Hey, Sonja! You sure have a beautiful family! Y'all look like you have lots of fun:). I know this is a little late, but I wanted to tell you thank you for all the clothes you gave to me! We use everything! I sincerely appreciate that you thought of us. Take care, and I hope you don't mind if I keep checkin' out your pics! Jenny (you know, Carrie's sister:)

Trashly said...

Funny because before I read, I skimmed through the pictures, big surprise I know, and I was sure mom wore the vest with the black sweater. She seemed to like it. I hope you had fun. Love you. Give all the boys a squeeze for me. See you soon!!

Lana said...

Ogosh what a photo! Made me giggle what you wrote. ....moms... we love 'em!

Jan C. said...

Hope your mom had a great birthday!