Monday, October 15, 2007

A Little Bedtime Fashion Show

I was pretty tired tonight. I thought I'd be able to fall right to sleep, I was wrong. I sat on the couch trying to wind down by watching an episode of House Hunters, when out walked this:

Really, I know I should have just sent him right back to bed, but I needed to capture this on film, how can you not laugh? He really has a strange fashion sense, those are pajama pants that he pushed up to highlight the ultra-glam socks, and really what better to top it off then a rugby shirt, the outfit screamed for it.

He really thought he was the bee's knees and even danced a little jig in his fetching apparel:

The very best part of it is that I am STILL trying to get him to go to sleep, at 11:00, motherhood is quite an adventure.

And while I try to get him to go to sleep, if anyone reading this could work on a project for my little ones. They were hoping I could find a remote control that would turn their big brother's Batmobile piggy bank into a REAL car. I couldn't seem to find it, and I thought this might suffice:

They weren't too impressed with a bed sheet and car seats. So if anyone out there has the technology, Batman and Robin would be grateful.


Kate said...

Sorry I haven't gotten back to you earlier but I've been swamped in my electronics workshop...I'm trying to turn a piggybank into remote control car. I had it running but the mother board started sparking and I had to take a break.

Love that sock/PJ outfit. But it doesn't hold a candle to the outfit I saw a couple days ago - buzz lightyear purple lycra helmet/thing paired with buzz boots (over the knee) with nothing else. Frank and beans flying in the wind. I so wanted to photograph it but I didn't.

Thanks for letting me hijack your blog. I've been in a crappy mood for a couple days and I just cheered myself up!

Trashly said...

I must say Fletch-man must have gotten Roy's sense of style from the pictures you had posted earlier of your Roy boy. The boy needs some help, but at least he tries bless his heart. Another thing, the Bat-mobile..... could use some work. Please Sonja, you are the adult, put some effort into it.

Trashly said...

Oh, and I love you!