Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Big Wheel Keep On Burnin'

Today was bike day at pre school. I love to see all of the kids so excited to have a chance to whiz around and feel the sun on their faces. There was even one little boy who almost broke free and made it down a hill before his mom caught him and reeled him back in...I just feel blessed that for once it was not one of mine.

And it's clear Sawyer is a twin (or maybe he's just too academic) because here is a shot of him waiting for his brother to just take him for a ride, instead of fooling with the messy business of pedaling:

Happy Thursday to you:)


Care said...

Sonja, you're so good, you do your blog everyday, it looks so cute, unlike me who wants to do it, but I can't figure out how to work my camera!!! So I just quit, for a little bit! Do you think you could move back to Gaylord so you can help me?? Anywho, I love ya Sonja, keep up the good work on your blog!!

Anonymous said...

TAG YOUR IT. come check out my blog.


Kate said...

Love your lyrical title - rock on!