Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Fletch really likes apple juice

I know I've talked about how much we pay into the apple industry in our house, and I wasn't kidding. Here is proof:

Mmmmmm, apple juice.

Doctor's appointment today, it was a well child for the twins and I could not have conceived it in my mind any better. We talked about what to expect yesterday and aside from speculating if the doctor would take his brains out so he could see them, I think it helped.
Both boys were absolutely beside themselves that they got to strip down to their skivvies in a public place and they did everything he asked, it was great. Next week, however means immunizations, I can't imagine that going as well.

Niles had football practice tonight and when he got dressed, I couldn't help but think how cute he is, so I had to capture it on film:

Gosh, he's cute and tough, what a dangerous combo.


Trashly said...

Niles is pretty much the biggest stud in the world. Loved the marines shirt. He didn't try to enlist did he? So I haven't seen a new page in a long time Sonja. I'm getting a little sick of looking at the mad scrapper... no picture.... Love you and your blog! Talk to you later.

Kate said...

Um love that orange hat. And it's never too early to teach your kids to double fist drinks - comes in handy at raves and frat parties!