Saturday, October 27, 2007

Christmas came early for Sawyer

Holy cow, We had a crazy night last night. At dinner Sawyer started complaining of a sore neck, this concerns me, but we're at a restaurant so I hold him on my lap until we finish eating...driving home, he keeps whimpering about his neck when (if your sensitive to vomit stories, just stop now) PUKE ALL OVER, I mean a lot...Fletcher was pretty interested in it "It looks like apple cider" and poor Niles is sitting right next to him. Of course, I immediately panic...sore neck + vomiting=meningitis. Maybe I'm silly, maybe I'm the only mom who thinks this way, but I think I just want to rule out the worst, so I can relax and move on. We race inside, I call my dad, and who the heck knows what Roy is doing. My dad says something like "yeah, it'd be good to get him checked out" Which FREAKS ME OUT!!!! my dad is always like, "oh, it's not a big deal" with medical stuff.

(I just realized how long and crazy this is getting, I'll give the reader's digest version). We go to the E.R., get right in, Sawyer gets a C.T. scan, neck x-ray and suddenly perks up and wants to play with my ears. They figured out right away that it wasn't meningitis and what was probably more likely was his twin putting a whopper socker to him. NO MORE ROUGHNESS IN MY HOUSE!!!! That is an official decree...I'll let you know how that works out. So we paid the E.R. 50 bucks and got Sawyer a "McFlurrio" and all is right with the world again. So Sawyer, I hope you remember the 5o bones and McFlurrio at Christmas, because that was it baby:) I just have to say in all sincerity how much I love these boys and am grateful beyond belief for their health.


Care said...

Hey Sonja, So glad everything checked out okay!!!! Now I'll be freaked out every time my kids say they have a sore neck, but first I'll ask if anyone hit them!! Love ya Sonja! ttfn

Kate said...

this is insane - ugh emergency room!!! YOu're lucky it was only $50! Hope you're keeping reigns on those wrestling fools!

Celebrate Today said...

Wow! Glad that he was okay!! I'm sure it was scary, but glad that you followed your gut and checked him out. Sorry you had such a crazy weekend!