Tuesday, October 9, 2007

The best moment of the day

I have lots of moments every day when I think to myself that I'm so lucky that this is my life (I do have my fair share of moments when I think "THIS is NOT what I signed up for", too) But yesterday, I realized at one definite second that I was living my favorite moment of the day. I was picking the boys up from pre-school. They have to sit on the steps and wait for the teacher to bring them to their car. Sawyer tried to worm his way out and come to the car, but he was caught in the nick of time. Then Fletch stepped down and looked around. I could see the recognition when he spotted me and a smile started creeping across his face until it was a full blown smile. The smile was pure joy, not a babyish grin at all, just very happy to realize I was there and he really liked me. My heart almost broke from happiness and a little sadness that they are really growing up. He didn't try to run to the car, he just turned around and sat down and waited. It brought back memories of when Niles was little and he would run to me with reckless abandon because I was there finally and YES, this is HIS mommy.

Another bright spot was seeing Sawyer decided to behave enough at school to get his race car stickers and pick a prize. Roy and I laughed pretty hard at what he chose, but I'm not going to deny that they are pure Sawyer...sorry the picture is a little blurry, my camera was dying so I was trying to hurry. (those of you that know Sawyer know he wanted the blanket on his shoulders:)

Enjoy the moments in your day today.


Kate said...

Lil Elton John Jr. in the making? Always love the "prize" they pick. And what was even funnier was when I used to teach 1st grade -- watching them stew and hem and haw and dig and finally decide which hunk of used Chinese plastic they were going to pick!

Trashly said...

Your kids are freaks, but you already knew that. I guess the apple doens't fall too far from the tree. I love the glasses. They are VERY Sawyer. Love you!

Lana said...

OMG I'm in tears! I so needed to here that moment and be reminded of the same in my life. I have been having WAY more the "I didn't sign up for this" feelings than the "I love my life" feelings for the past 6 months or more and I know it's my attitude. SO thanks for sharing because if only for a few moments, I feel better having been reminded what mommy-hood i sall about. :)