Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Lunch Ladies

That was me, Fletch and Sawyer today. We went to Niles' school for lunch duty, because if they don't have a volunteer, the teachers have to stay in the classroom with the students. That means ALL DAY in a room with 7th graders--and while that sounds like a really good time, I thought I could help out once in a while. It was fun, Niles seemed genuinely excited to see his brothers at school and by the way they were alternately playing it super cool and running around on the play ground, I think they had fun too. It was so sweet too, he kept his desk back by us, until he kind of smiled and said "I usually sit up there" while pointing to a group of kids. I was touched by the gesture of him sitting by us and told him to get up there with his friends. The best part is he only had to tell the class once that his mom is weird (I wish this was a joke).

Of course, this picture is not from today, pulling a camera out on a 7th grader in front of his friends at school is risking life and limb, this is from the 4th of July...I just think he's so blasted cute:

Oh, and by the way...he hugged me goodbye, with friends around.


scrapnic72 said...

I love that even though they want to be cool....they still love you, even when they're in 7th grade!

The real question is......when you played Dukes of Hazzard, did you like Bo or Luke?? (I was always a Bo fan, though I typically go for the tall-dark-handsome type!!). Ahhh, the memories.


Trashly said...

He must be accepting the fact that you are a big dork now because you couldn't be getting any cooler... :) You eally need to update this thing more often. Love you.

Heather said...

I'm glad to hear that Niles already has friends at his new school!