Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Lesson Learned

Never think that you can "just run really quick" say, to pick up your oldest from football practice with one of your little ones looking like this:

Because the minute you think you can, your car will break down, as it did to me tonight. Luckily, we were just about a block from the house and I got a message to Niles to wait for me. My mom came and saved the day (after we walked home in a Spiderman costume and no shoes on either child, what a delightful story that makes) Anyway, Sawyer's assessment of the whole situation is "We need a different car, a fast car, we need a firetruck!!!"

Just moments before the shoe-less walk, Fletch came up and showed me this:

You probably can't see what that is exactly, it's perfect little arm with perfect little teeth marks in it. The conversation went something like this:

Fletch: A spider bit me, see? (thrusts arm a half an inch from my eyes)

Mommy: frowning, That looks more like a Sawyer bite to me.

Fletch: No, it isn't!!! A spider bit me.

Mommy: Did you really bite yourself?

Fletch: No, a spider bit me.

Mommy: Are you going to turn into Spiderman now?

All I can say now is bring it on, Green Goblin.

With all of the car frustrations, I really realized how lucky we in this family. We rarely have to deal with headaches like this and we always have somebody to call if something as minor as this happens. I really am thankful for the wonderful life that I have. My husband goes to work to provide for a family that he loves, my kids keep me laughing and constantly on my toes, I have parents and siblings and in-laws that would move Heaven and Earth to help us how ever they can. And I have this kind of silliness to tuck me in at night:

That's my dirty-face Sawyer shorts head, cheese ball extraordinaire.

It's clear to me that God loves me and I'm just so grateful for that love.


Kate said...

What a nice post Sonja (seriously)!And maybe your kids didn't have shoes on, but at least they had pants on. And a costume is better than pajamas, which my kids travel in sometimes. And some of the outfits that get put together make me wish for a costume!!!

Danielsmommy said...

LOVE the costume!!
Daniel often walks around as "curious george"..So I understand what you went through. Sometimes, I just let him wear it. Someday i'll look back and wish I was walking to the mailbox with curious george..

Trashly said...

You actually made me laugh out loud with the spider story. I loved it! He is pretty hard-core. You have an insane family. Oh wait, I am part of your family.... shoot....