Sunday, October 7, 2007

The Thing about Roy is...

He has some rule book, and in it he has written in big letters "DO NOT LOOK NORMAL IN PICTURES!!!" That's what I think anyway. Here are a few examples:

But luckily, him making us look like a Gap ad isn't what is important to me (free clothes would be nice though). He is an amazing daddy. I can't imagine my live without him as my partner. I am so blessed to have a man who loves his family so much and works so hard. He makes me laugh and he makes me proud. It's kind of like he told me at our wedding reception five years ago (Oct. 5th), "Sonja, you're the luckiest girl alive!"


Anonymous said...

Don't you love good guys with big hearts that are pure goofs. Your hubby sounds like a keeper.

Thanks for visiting my blog. Don't be a stranger.


Kate said...

Oh and it sounds like he's humble too! Tee hee...

Danielsmommy said...

My husband is the same way. He has a beautiful smile, yet as soon as the camera is pointed at him, he gets a big weird cheesy grin!!
Gotta Love 'em!!!!
The red velvet cake was SOOO worth all the steps!!!

scrapnic72 said...

Happy Anniversary! Hey, if they looked handsome in every photo, then we wouldn't have anything interesting to scrap!
