Friday, October 26, 2007

Why do I buy my kids toys?

Three different times I asked myself this question yesterday. First was our standard blanket adventure:
Here is Superman and his side kick, Robin (hey, it's their game, I don't make up the rules)
Next, we get a package in the mail (a Merry Christmas present for our Gracie girl)...and we have a snake and secret hide out:
It looks like he's quite a charmer:
Later, we used an ACORN SQUASH, an ACORN SQUASH to be a baby we needed to save from evil forces in the universe (mainly a snarly, clawed Fletcher, but when you point a remote control at him, he turns into a baby, once again, I don't make the rules up) So, in a nutshell, Christmas shopping is going to be pretty easy this year.

And, for no reason at all:

my Royboy brought home some flowers (the reason could be that he heard me at the very edge of my sanity and thought flowers would bring me back) He was half right, and Sawyer was almost as excited as I was. I know he has seen flowers before, but I guess it was a little exotic to have them carried into our house like that.

And here is my almost teenager, giving me an almost teenager "don't take my picture" face:

and his little brother, just chillin'

Have a happy day:)

1 comment:

Kate said...

Nice flowers - jealous!