Monday, October 22, 2007

I've been tagged

by Yvonne bayberry

1. Link to the person (or in my case person(s) that tagged you and post the rules on your blog.

2. Share 7 random and/or weird facts about yourself (on your blog, we all want to know them).
3. Tag 7 random people at the end of your post and include links to their blogs.
4. Let each person know that they've been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

I have a lot of randomness...let's see:

some of you might know some of this

1. I have my case, I think of a number and a color instantly comes to mind, the same number for the same color always.

2. I NEVER feel like I am wearing the correct shoes for any outfit, I have even had dreams about this.

3. Sometimes I look at my children and can't believe that God trust me with their lives, although I feel very lucky that he does.

4. As an adult, I've never been that interested in having women as friends, I think it gets too complicated...until recently. Those scrapbookers can be a cool bunch of chicks.

5. I can change moods without warning in 3.2 seconds...a lot of people (family) know this.

6. If I could choose any artistic talent to have it would be first to sing well, second to draw well.

7. When my husband is bugging me (more than usual) I remember how we met when we were 11 and didn't realize it 14 years later until he met my brother.


Kate said...

okay I've learned a new thing today - numbers/colors - sometimes I think I'm a simpleton - keep reading about people eating things in color order, arranging things in color brain don't work dat way.
And those SIS chicks are kinda funny (some of them anyway) and I hear you on the whole female thing...I figured that out when I see LO after LO about my "best friend" and I don't have one...hmmmm??? Not that I don't have friends but....I'm difficult. And simple-minded...

Anonymous said...

It's so nice getting to know you. I'm with you on the female friends. I have 3 really close girlfriends and there is ALWAYS some sort of drama. Guys are just wired differently. Thanks so much for're pretty interesting!!
