Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Umm...we're cool?

I'm not totally sure I'd get too much backing on this fact, but I do know we had fun pretending we were cool last night at the Beastie Boys concert (this lovely picture is not actually from the concert night, but I blessedly forgot my camera, I think my mind must have known in advance what I'd look like by the end of the night) I had a little accident (okay, I ran into a cheeseburger-- ALL DOWN THE FRONT OF MY SHIRT) And I think it could be scientifically proven that I am not a good driver, Ash will gladly attest. Despite the mishaps (that mostly just made us laugh), we had a really good time. The concert was so much fun and I danced the whole time, but I know Ashley's impression of me was COMPLETELY off base. And today when Niles asked why there were flies buzzing around the back of the van, where there was red stuff, I was actually glad we ran over a dead deer, because I didn't want to attract flies any other way. (This was, by the way, a completely sober trip)


Care said...

Hey Sonja,
It could only happen to you, you goofball!!! I miss ya, wish you'd call me sometime!!!
Love ya, Care

Kate said...

Glad to know you can rock hard...even if you are a scrapbooker! Ha! You might want to check out my grocery horror recorded on my blog today:0 It will warm your heart. lpm

Trashly said...

Pretty sure that is one of my better pictures. Thanks for posting it on the internet so all can see it!