Thursday, September 20, 2007

Not the Cheeriest of days

It's just one of those days. The national language around here seems to be whine and the only phrases in the vernacular are "I want some apple juice" and "I want applesauce" (we're single-handedly keeping the apple business brisk). So yes, we're all grouchy and runny nosed. I've used about a case of Zicam and it makes my throat burn...that can't be a good sign.

Niles is off to school without much incidence (thank goodness) and we're just watching a movie, trying to ease in to our day. Can you guess what movie we're watching?:

Trust me though, that smile is VERY deceiving, and in the true spirit of the day they refused to both look at the camera at the same time, even though they asked me to take a picture.

I certainly know things could be much, much worse, so I am thankful for what I have. I'll just drink my coffee and pretend that I don't want to crawl back into bed for the next 12 hours. May your day be filled with smiles and goodwill.


Care said...

Hey, they look so sweet, watching woody & buzz!!! I hope things get better for you throughout the day!! Maybe Roy will come home and let you go shopping??!!!!Miss ya:(

Kate said...

So you don't like whining? Looks like you're in the wrong bizness. Wow with twins you can have Buzz and Woody! If it makes you feel any baby took her poopy dipe off in the basement yesterday when I was upstairs. There, there, doesn't that make you feel better??

bigmam said...

this is how Diane feels about Kim on many days. So cheer up he could live with you alsolk

Heather said...

At least with twins, you don't have to take a turn being Woody or Buzz. Wil is really into pretending and is always assigning a role to me -- "I'm being Cinderella and you're being the prince" or "I'm being Annie (a friend's dog) and you're being Kris" and so on. Sometimes he changes roles without telling me and then I get in big trouble for saying PEEP PEEP when I'm being James, who of course, says CHOO CHOO.