Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Oops, 5 days!

Sorry I haven't been here in 5 days, I went away for the weekend, and I've been trying to get caught up. I had a really good time in Novi with some friends, doing the crazy scrapbooking thing.

While I was gone, Daddy took the little fellas to see "Bee Movie" (Niles stayed at Nana and Papa's house with ALL of his cousins). Apparently not a big hit with my boys...Roy said there was a freak out situation on Saw-dog's part near the end of the movie.

However, it did open a very important dialogue between Roy and Sawyer...Sawyer told this to his dad "Daddy, bees always fly up my nose and steal my boogers and make honey, why do they do that?" I guess we'll have to check into that.

They had to sit up close to the front in the theater which prompted Fletch to ask " Where are the buttons to turn off the big movie screen?"

I hope everyone has a great day...stay warm if you're in this blustery Michigan weather


Kate said...

Oh my - I never knew that bees could make honey from boy boogies! Very interesting. I've been waiting for more pics of you on the floor and stuff from your crop. Where are they?

Greta said...

I told Jason the bee booger story but apparently he didn't find it as funny as I did!